How To Find A Sports Bookie
These days becoming an independent bookie has never been easier, with turnkey bookie solutions available, the need for large investments and huge payrolls are no longer required. If you’ve ever wondered how to be a sports bookie. Get ready for the best betting action you will find online with the latest sports news, game analysis and previews you need to keep yourself informed through the off and regular season. Directly below is the latest press and news articles published by MyBookie across our site, you can find the full sports news section Sports. The first step to becoming an NBA bookie is to find a dependable sports betting solution. The right sportsbook software can streamline the bookie business. It has all the features and tools to manage players and lines. The best way to find. Find players; Partner with another bookie so that you both win; Get a great Pay Per Head Bookie Software; Start running and managing your business; What you have on your side, however, is word of mouth. “I won $3,000 from my bookie.
The two most important activities that you should do when learning on how to become a bookie are learning how to acquire players and signing up with a pay per head service like to take your players’ bets automatically with our betting software.
If you are in college and thinking about becoming a bookie, click here to see how a student took bets to pay off his college debts
The bottom line in bookmaking business is:
The more action you write, the more money you make. You will always want to add what you believe are solid players, not only to expand your business, but also to replace those customers who have proven to be bad debt or simply have been worn down by the house advantage.
Understanding that the customer who wagers only $100 a game will lose $3,000 to $4,000 over the course of any given season should give you plenty of incentive to hit the bricks. If you use your time wisely, reaching a customer base of 200 or so (a little better than average) should be no problem.
Getting new players is not as simple as advertising in the newspaper or sticking fliers on the windshields of cars when becoming a bookie. Nor can you just go out to the backyard, shake the customer tree, and watch them start falling to the ground.
Steps to become a bookie:
- Learn about the business from blogs and experienced people
- Find players
- Partner with another bookie so that you both win
- Get a great Pay Per Head Bookie Software
- Start running and managing your business
What you have on your side, however, is word of mouth.
“I won $3,000 from my bookie this weekend, and he paid me in full at 10:00 A.M. Tuesday.” If enough co-workers and room mates and drinking buddies hear that, they are sure to say, “Hey, you think you could get me on with your bookie?”
The best thing you can do to expand your client list is continue to treat the customers you already have with respect, courtesy, and professionalism-and to always pay in full, on time, and in cash.
People like to talk, especially when they just spent their lunch break picking up a sack of money, and if all the talk about you is similar to that above, you will have no problems adding new players.
What if you are starting out with no customers? There are still ways to maximize returns on your efforts. The first step to becoming a bookie is to understand the basic truth that gamblers know other gamblers.
Think back to the first time you talked to a bookmaker. Didn’t you know somebody who was gambling and he set you up’? Or were you in the employee break room when one of your co-workers had a sports page out and was checking the lines? Nothing has changed since that time, except that gambling has become more popular than ever.
Should you open shop?
If you are considering opening your own sportsbook operation, odds are you know people who gamble on sports. Some of them are probably looking for a new outlet to wager. I always told potential customers who already had a bookie that if they would try me just one weekend, they would never go back to their previous bookie, and in the 8 1/2 years I was in the business, none ever did.
If you follow the guidelines on this page and conduct your business based on the information here, you will create many ex-customers for other bookies around your city.
You can start a football season with as few as 10 customers, and by the time bowl season has arrived, word of mouth recommendation should swell your pay sheet to 50 or 60.
At that level, even if the customers are small time, you should be employing an office clerk and a fax clerk while still leaving yourself a profit of $100,000 or so for six months of semi-work. Another way to increase customers as a bookie is to spend your leisure time where gamblers spend their leisure time.
But… Is It legal?
Here is a list for places where land-based Sportsbooks are legal. Also, remember that some states have started to loosen up regulations as well.
- Aruba
- Australia
- Bahamas
- Belgium
- Canada
- China
- Costa Rica
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- France
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- Hong Kong
- Indonesia
- Ireland
- Italy
- Japan
- Macau
- Malaysia
- Mexico
- Netherlands
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- Portugal
- Spain
- South Korea
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- US
- Turkey
- UK
- United Arab Emirates
Basic truth number two:
Golfers love to gamble.
Whether it is a $1-a-hole or $500-for-closest-to-the-pin wager, money changes hands when buddies get together on the links. Visit a golf warehouse or discount store, and the clerk there should be able to provide you with the names of several local private clubs you can join.
Many have stipulations that you have to be sponsored by a current member of the club, but some don’t. Find one where the membership fee is only $1,000 or so, plus monthly dues, and join. Besides improving your golf game (never a bad thing), being a member of the club will allow you to meet the other members of the club. Whether it is on the fairway or in the clubhouse, most of these men will enjoy a friendly wager from time to time.
You should be discreet when divulging how you make your living, but a cell phone call from a cart while the other three are deciding which club to use will start the conversation. Being proficient at spades, hearts, gin, etc., will also provide you the chance to meet other gamblers at the club.
Many older gentlemen go to the club every day to do nothing other than sit in the pro shop or locker room playing poker for eight or ten hours. Be friendly, be discreet, and, before long, you will be taking action.
The same basic truth (loving to gamble) applies to most guys who play tennis, but many actually participate in that sport for health benefits, and that is not our focus here.
Looking for more customers? Select a few bars in different parts of your city and become a regular. This does not mean you also become an alcoholic, as ginger ale or cranberry juice is usually what I order. (Trust me when I say that getting a DUI is not a fun thing, and it is even less so when the arresting officer sees that you have a hundred copies of the official betting schedule in your backseat. That’s what law enforcement refers to as a “clue.” But back to bars.)
When we say select a few “bars,” I am not talking about a T.G.I. Fridays or Chilis. I am talking about real bars. You know, the kind where when you walk in you can’t see anything for a minute or two until your eyes adjust. Real bars don’t have 143 televisions. They usually have one above the bar and one in the back room where the card tables are.
Find a few establishments like this and you have also just found a couple more customers. Go in, sit at the bar, and begin watching television. When you curse a basketball player for missing a free throw when his team is up by 17, the gamblers in the joint will know why you are upset. Most likely, they will be the ones to bring up sports wagering. “Who ya’ got?” is a common opener. When you reply, “I’ve got something on every team,” the conversation is started, and pretty soon you have another reason to visit the bar.
Partnering With Another Bookie
Probably the best way to get a lot of customers on your ledger in one motion is an arrangement where another bookie becomes a “sub-book” to you. It works like this:
Almost without exception, small to mid-size bookies will shut down after the NCAA basketball tournament is over and not reopen until football season starts in August. You should have no problem finding a player who, toward the end of basketball season, is looking for a new place to play so that he can bet on baseball.
The truly amateur bookie will think only of adding one new customer and, while taking on the new guy, will promise not to tell his regular bookie that he has gone somewhere else. What you should be doing in situations like this is not only have him tell his regular bookie about you, but ask that he put you in touch with his regular bookie.
At this point, you can present a no-risk offer to the bookie who is planning to stop taking action for a while. What you propose is that he tell all his current customers that he will be shutting down for baseball, but that if any of them want to get action on the games, he can recommend someone who is staying open.
Explain to the bookie that you will keep a separate record of whatever money, as a group, his customers wind tip collecting as a net winner or paying as a net loser. If they finish the season on the plus side (they won’t), you will pay out every penny. If they finish the season on the negative side (they will), you and he will split the profits 50-50.
All he has to do is meet with you each Tuesday morning to get the figures and then go pay or collect from the guys he put on. It will cost him nothing. He will have to do almost no work. He will make money.
How To Find A Bookie
Make sure the bookie realizes that in no way are you trying to snake his customers, just make money for both of you. He is planning on being closed anyway and, if he does it his way, he makes zero dollars for the summer.
Do it your way and he makes many dollars for the summer. Abiding by that agreement will, at the very least, be a money maker for a few months for you and the other bookie (now a “sub-book” to you). What normally happens is the bookie (a lazy creature by nature) will realize that he made a bucket of money for working one day a week, and when August creeps over the hill, will suggest that you two continue the arrangement.
Do this once a year and you will be extremely wealthy. You know the best part of this deal? With the extra money you get from this sub-book’s customers, you will be able to more than pay for another clerk, and now you won’t be working every day, either.
Becoming a member of a VFW or Eagle’s lodge or similar organization is another fantastic way to grow your bookie business. I had been a bookie for seven years when I joined one just north of Atlanta, and within two days, they had taught me new ways to gamble on sports. The bartender was the guy at the lodge who organized all the betting there, and he was confused by it, more than anything else.
He was happy when someone came along offering to help. “Helping” quickly turned into I had 53 new customers as a result of paying my $200 initiation fee. Besides being served semi-warm beer and having to listen to much more Hank Jr. than I ever knew existed, there was little downside to it.
Finally, I have acquired customers in a variety of other ways. Bookies have died, gone semi-legit, gotten married, gotten scared, or gone to jail (nongambling-related charge).
Hell, one buddy of mine decided that having to work three hours a day was just too much for him. For whatever the reason, if you can beat the bushes and open with even 10 or 12 guys, you will have 50 before you know it.
At that point, you are making a decent enough chunk of change to hire a clerk to work with your pay per head software service. You can then justify making him work all the shifts by himself, as you are out “recruiting new customers”.
Once you have built up a list, the next move is to acquire the correct software to automate taking the bets and the other every stuff that comes with being a bookie. For that please read on the best sportsbook software to use and the advantages of using a PPH service like RealBookies
If you are a beginer, right now you are wondering where to start acquiring the knowledge that will allow you to thrive in the Bookie Business, start with the Bookmaking Essentials course at Bookie Academy.
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There is certainly no denying the fact that finding and even becoming a bookie is one of the most interesting activities and it enables the person in getting more knowledge and wisdom with the help of some amazing books.
There is a famous quote that books are the best friends of human and what could be better than associating you with that book-friend business. Today the purpose of this article is to talk about those realistic tricks and techniques, which can no doubt help you in becoming a good bookie and earning a significant sum of money by using those amazing techniques.
Before starting our topic, I would like to bring your attention to the fact that there are numbers of companies out there, who aims to provide information to people, which is highly unrealistic and cannot be implemented by the normal purpose.
However, our goal is totally different because we are not interested in making money however, we aim to deliver the most relevant and most amazing information to our esteemed readers. We have tried to compile the list of factors, which can help you in becoming a good bookie and also tried to find that website, which is proficient enough to help you in becoming a bookie.
If you are interested in getting the maximum information and start your own business then, don’t wait for a second and scroll down!
Become a Successful Bookie Today!
Many newbie bookies become amazed by the daily hitches of working as a bookie and the question is always raise in their minds that how to become a bookie. is the way to become a successful bookie online. Ace Per Head makes it easier to get on track. All the benefits that online bookie websites offer to their customers become benefits to the bookmakers since Ace Per Head is able to use those advantages to keep his clients engaged.
Furthermore, some other gains are that most of the reasons that the newbie bookie are able to offer will be more effortlessly arrange online than by a physical location. Today bookies want to preserve their anonymity, security, comfort, and convenience; this is with no trouble reached online. People will also enjoy the variety of sporting and gaming events that a bookie can present to their customers in various forms online.
- As a virtual bookie, becoming a bookie, business online is more well-paid than procedure into a face to face bookmaking service.
- Most of the online bookmakers are able to save money, uphold their business without difficulty and lower their expenses, make it more cost-effective.
- Even though the fact the probabilities are in the bookie’s favor, if the bookie is putting all of their money into renting a workspace, he is not going to do that well. With price per head bookmaking, the bookmaker only has to pay a small fee for each of its customers. There are no commissions on the bookie money.
The most noticeable advantage to a virtual bookmaker is those good online bookies can appeal to more clients than offline bookies.
To be a bookmaker you should:
- Be numerate and able to make calculations quickly
- Be well organized and have good administration skills
- Have basic keyboard and computer skills
- Be trustworthy and honest
- Have some knowledge of sporting events.
- Have good communication, negotiation, and customer service skills
- Be able to manage a team of staff
- Be able to understand betting regulations
- Be security conscious
Visit Now for more information »

This profession comes with mixed and awe-inspiring amounts of stress at times. Managing player bets is a full-time job, for that reason organization is key. This is also a very personal job, dealing with many clients face-to-face who may have been dealt with bad luck.
While the business of becoming a bookie is somewhat stable and slow-changing, the bookmaker’s work must constantly evolve. In order to keep up with the larger bookmaking firms, other different opponents, and the constant flow of income, it is the bookmaker’s job to find new boulevards of reaching customers, networking, and providing outstanding and exceptional customer service to become a successful bookie and Ace Per Head is one them. Although there are many challenges in this line of work, there are also excellent benefits.
You have to Build Proficiency to become a bookie.
Once a client-base has been built, the fun part creates. Reliable relations with customers can be extremely rewarding. Building healthy relationships that successfully benefit both bookmakers and customers are business associations in their own nature. Efficiency in the bookmaking industry is key and will give beneficial support, loyalty, and trust to your business in how to become a bookie.
If you decide to become a bookmaker, then your personality is most likely curbed to this type of work. Therefore, seeing the growth of your business, reveling in the successes, and facing the challenge of identifying new markets on a frequent basis will be a rewarding experience. The essence of understanding how bookmakers work understands where you find a good place to become a bookie Ace Per Headgiving you the opportunity. Most beginner customers make this mistake because they don’t understand how bookmakers work.
There is certainly no denying the statement that being a bookie means that you would be able to make a very good sum of money in a lesser period of time. You should also consider the fact that a book is not only involved making money however, they also get the benefits of acquiring immense knowledge about the current trends of the market and what strategies they should opt for making their business better and profitable as compared to the market.
The one tip that can help you in gaining profit is more about creating a point of differentiation for your targeted market so that they may know that you are interested in offering something amazing to them in the given period of time.
Top 6 Reasons to Become a Bookmaker:
Are you considering a career as a bookmaker? These are the top ten reasons that career bookies love their job and live the lives they always wanted.
Are you looking for a career change and finding yourself interested in becoming a bookie and starting a betting company? It’s a smart choice considering the rise of the gambling industry, the tumultuous economic climate, and increasing legality.
Keep reading to find out the top 6 reasons to become a bookie.
1. It’s a Fail-Proof Industry
One of the oldest and most steadfast industries in the world, the gambling industry has remained strong through recessions, natural disasters, and recently, a pandemic.
If you’re looking for the ultimate ‘job security’, you can be guaranteed that business will always be rolling in as a bookie.
2. You Can Start Straight Away
The foundation of a bookie’s business is good sports betting software. This is the online platform that your customers will use to place bets. Once you’ve found and set up fantastic, user-friendly software, your business as a bookie is already established. Simple, right?
Make sure you choose software that offers multiple sports to reach a wider audience of people. Customize the platform to make it your own and stand out.
3. Ultimate Flexibility
You can choose your work hours and how much time you want to spend on your bookie business. Basically, you are your own boss with the ultimate flexibility. If you’re starting out through a Pay Per Head provider, you can also delegate or automate parts of the operation.
You not only have the flexibility of hours but also location. You can manage your business from anywhere in the world. No long commutes, endless office days, and short holidays.
4. Requires a Low Investment
At this point, you’re probably asking, how much do I need to start a betting company? You’ll be happy to know you don’t need very much. An initial investment of between $5000 to $10000 dollars is all that is required to start your betting business.
This is considerably lower than the costs that would be involved in opening any other sort of company. As for the monthly costs, that depends on your Pay Per Head partner. Providers only charge for active players, so monthly fees can be really low.
5. You Can Earn Big
So, how much do bookies make? The sky’s the limit and how much money you make is dependent on how hard you’re willing to work. While you have the risk of losing out sometimes, or having a highly fluctuating income, if you work hard you can make a lot of money.

Spend the hours marketing your platform and growing your network to attract more bettors.
6. It Can Be a Part-Time Gig
It’s a simple job that doesn’t require too much hands-on work. The sports betting software does more of the work for you. This means that you don’t have to dedicate all your time to it and can have other work or income opportunities.
You can benefit from multiple streams of income within a fail-proof industry.
Did These Top 6 Reasons to Start a Betting Company Convince You?
These top 6 reasons are just the tip of the iceberg. Whether you choose to throw yourself into the betting business head first or set up a part-time side gig, it’s simple and lucrative to become a bookie.
Get started with Ace Per Head, top-rated and affordable Pay Per Head Services. Sign up today and start your career as a bookie.
3 Famous Bookies in Gambling
When it comes to gambling, bookies have always existed. But has any bookie every gotten famous? If so, how? We’re here to find out.
Sports Bookie Arrested
Most gamblers and bookies who make money do it as a side-hustle. They know, as you should, that only the best of the best in the sports gambling community can earn living gambling or bookmaking.
While most professionals on both sides of the ticket window remain anonymous, there are a few who’ve elevated themselves into the public consciousness. Here are three of the most famous bookies in sports betting history.
Jimmy Vaccaro
Born in Trafford, a small Western Pennsylvania town right outside of Pittsburgh, Jimmy Vaccaro fell in love with gambling in the smoke-filled back rooms of the Monongahela Valley.
His Las Vegas odyssey began in 1975 when he left Trafford for a job as a blackjack dealer at the Royal Inn. His extensive sports gambling background helped him as he opened the Royal Inn’s first sportsbook.
From there he helmed the books at the Barbary Coast, MGM, The Golden Nugget, and The Mirage, until he finally landed at South Pointe where he still works today.
Known as a “bookie’s bookie,” Jimmy’s biggest claim to fame came while he worked at The Mirage. He was the only bookmaker in Las Vegas who posted odds and took bets on the Mike Tyson vs. Buster Douglas bout. Vaccaro listed Tyson as a 42 to 1 favorite.
After Buster Douglas pulled off the biggest upset in boxing history, Vaccaro’s star rose. He landed a guest spot on The Simpsons, was featured on the Showtime series Action, and continues to appear on CNN and other news outlets.
Jimmy “The Greek” Snyder
Though he may not be well known to gamblers under the age of 45, Jimmy “The Greek” Snyder was once the most famous bookie in America.
Born in Steubenville, Ohio, a town 40 minutes west of Pittsburgh along the Ohio River, The Greeks grew up surrounded by bookies. Pittsburgh and the surrounding area has always been a serious sports gambling hotbed.
His first claim to fame came in 1948 when he bet $10,000 on Harry Truman to beat Thomas Dewey in the US Presidential Election. He took those $170,000 in winnings to Las Vegas where he used his handicapping expertise to sell his picks.
Snyder’s outsized personality and football expertise landed him a slot on CBS pregame show The NFL Today, where he became a fixture in American living rooms for over a decade until he was fired for making racially insensitive comments.
Frank “Lefty” Rosenthal
Frank Rosenthal grew up right outside of Wrigley Field in Chicago. It’s there where he first fell in love with sports gambling. With strong ties to the Chicago Mafia, Lefty built the largest illegal gambling empire in the United States.
From there, Lefty made his way to Las Vegas where loopholes in the gaming laws allowed him to run The Stardust and the other casinos owned by the Chicago Mafia.
His outlandish style gained him enough fame for his own television show. He served as the inspiration for the Robert DeNiro played Samuel “Ace” Rothstein character in the 1995 film, Casino.
Calling All Bookies
Are you a bookie who thinks he’s got the goods to become famous? Well, it is time to expand your operation.
Online Sports Bookie
Here at, we offer the best in pay-per-head gambling software to take your book to the next level. Sign up today for a free trial, and maybe soon we’ll see you on TV.