Is 7 Good In Craps
You may have heard that casino craps offers some of the best odds in the entire house. So you may want to explore some of odds charts and probabilities of rolling combinations of certain numbers. Basically all of the odds are connected to the two dice that are thrown. These are also six sided dice used in many other games as well such as sic bo. Because there are 6 sides on each die, two dice gives you 36 possible outcomes when you roll the them and we'll explain the odds of rolling 7's and other numbers.
Dice Combination Odds
There are 11 possible outcomes but 36 possible combinations that add up to those outcomes. These range from 2 to 12. The lowest roll you can get is 2 (snake eyes) and the highest roll that you can make is 12 (box cars). Take a look at the craps dice combination chart below to see all the possible outcomes that can be rolled.
Total Roll | Number of Possible Outcomes | Odds | Possible Combinations |
2 | 1 | 35 to 1 | 1:1 |
3 | 2 | 17 to 1 | 1:2 , 2:1 |
4 | 3 | 11 to 1 | 1:3 , 3:1 , 2:2 |
5 | 4 | 8 to 1 | 1:4 , 4:1 , 2:3 , 3:2 |
6 | 5 | 6.2 to 1 | 1:5 , 5:1 , 2:4 , 4:2 , 3:3 |
7 | 6 | 5 to 1 | 1:6 , 6:1 , 2:5 , 5:2 , 3:4 , 4:3 |
8 | 5 | 6.2 to 1 | 2:6 , 6:2 , 3:5 , 5:3 , 4:4 |
9 | 4 | 8 to 1 | 3:6 , 6:3 , 4:5 , 5:4 |
10 | 3 | 11 to 1 | 4:6 , 6:4 , 5:5 |
11 | 2 | 17 to 1 | 5:6 , 6:5 |
12 | 1 | 35 to 1 | 6:6 |

Notice that there are 6 possible combinations of the dice that can make a total of 7. This is why the term 'lucky 7' is so famous in the gambling world. There is some craps strategy that needs to be planned out after knowing the probability of certain dice rolls. You can also visualize the dice roll combinations above as well. Check out the payout odds for each bet and free odds table for charts, house edge and odds percentages information.
Calculate Craps Odds and Probabilities
This is a single-roll wager on the dice combination being 7. Any other number causes you to lose Any 7. The good news is that a 7 has a greater chance of appearing than any other combination. The bad news is that you still only have a 1 in 6 chance (5:1 odds) of this happening on a single roll. 4 – Look for Craps Streaks and the Hot Shooter. Craps is a game of chance. Outcomes are all determined by the roll of the dice. There are more ways to roll a seven than any other number on the dice. This means that shooters are going to crap out often. What you must remember, though, is that craps is also a game which can include streaks.
If you would like to calculate the odds of rolling a certain combination, just take the number of possible combinations of that roll and divide it by the total number of possible outcomes. For example, rolling a 7 has six combinations. Therefore 6 divided by 36 would be a 1 in 6 chance of rolling a seven. Alas, the odds of rolling a 2 or 12 would be 1 in 36. If you would like to find the percentage value of rolling these combinations, just use a calculator to divide the fraction 1/36 = 0.028 = 2.8%. The probability of rolling a 7 would be 6/36 = 1/6 = 0.167 = 16.7%!
Dec 18, 2017 Another bonus is that the 7 at least gives you one option to win on the come out roll. This is good because 7 has better odds than any other number in craps. 6 out of the possible 36 dice combinations can form a 7. Downside of Crapless Craps The biggest problem with crapless craps is that its pass line bet carries a 5.38% house edge. The probability of rolling a 7 would be 6/36 = 1/6 = 0.167 = 16.7%! Another way of thinking about the craps game is thinking that since there is a 1 in 6 chance that a 7 will be rolled, there is a 5 in 6 chance that a 7 will not be rolled. So betting on a point number in this case or betting for the shooter to not roll a 7 is a great bet as 5 out of 6 rolls will not be a lucky seven.
Aug 11, 2020 The pass line bet is the basic bet when playing craps for real money. It’s a bet that the shooter will roll a 7 or an 11 on his come-out roll, or that the shooter will roll a point number and subsequently hit that point number again before rolling a 7. The pass line bet loses if the shooter rolls a 2, 3, or 12 on the come-out roll.
Another way of thinking about the craps game is thinking that since there is a 1 in 6 chance that a 7 will be rolled, there is a 5 in 6 chance that a 7 will not be rolled. So betting on a point number in this case or betting for the shooter to not roll a 7 is a great bet as 5 out of 6 rolls will not be a lucky seven.
Is 7 Good In Craps Machines
House Edge Craps Odds
True odds are defined to be the fair odds where the player and the house have equal odds. When the player has true odds, this means the house has a 0% edge and the edge is eliminated. Usually the house always has an edge, which is calculated to be the difference between what odds the house pays out and the true odds. For instance, when a player rolls a 12, the odds should be paid out 35 to 1 according to the probability charts above. This is actually the true odds.
If the casino pays less than $35 for every $1 bet when a player rolls a 12, then the house would be making a profit in the long run since it's not paying true odds. This would be an example of the house edge, which almost always happens in every game in the casino because a casino is a business that eventually takes in a profit. Craps is one of the only games around where the house edge can be eliminated. By knowing the true odds and all the combination probabilities, you can really improve your strategy and make some powerful money making bets! With no house edge, you can easily play all night long without having to worry about your bankroll running out quickly either.
Play craps online at Cherry Jackpot.

I am curious to know what popular dice sets are to avoid rolling a 7? I'm heading to Vegas in a couple weeks and I'd like to try and use a consistent set and see how this works for me.
As a 2 year vet you should know whether it can be done or not is controversial.
I don't believe in it, but just for fun do try to do it. Do you know the basics? If not, check out the Wizard's page.
I've never seen any convincing evidence that set#1 on that page isn't the best for not rolling 7s. I set either the ones or the sixes facing towards me [forming the axis]. 2, 3, 4, or 5 as a pair can face up, doesnt have to be as shown.
Good luck!

In short if you cant get the number you want by setting for it, it makes sense
you cant avoid a 7 by setting to avoid one.
On the other hand since most of us cant get the number we want, atleast setting for
one particular 7 will take 1/3 third of them out of the game.
Hell set for a 6/1 you may never see one again
What Does 7 Mean In Craps
Hell set for a 6/1 you may never see one again
Now THAT'S control! ;-)
There are 8 sets that qualify as an answer to your question. They are collectively known as 'hardway sets.'
The hardway set has both dice with the exact same orientation. The six face and the one face are facing the same directions as the axis of rotation during flight.
All of my research actually supports evidence that the hardway set is the best set to avoid throwing sevens. This set is no better or worse than sets that have the something other than the six-one faces along the axis. But fewer six one faces, according to theory, and also backed up by my research, should be along the axis to reduce the occurrence of the hi and the lo when you have a come bet as well.
You do not want to use this set on the initial roll of the comeout.
Taking the hardway set and rotating one of the two dice 180' along the axis of rotation so that instead of having all hardways you have all sevens (continuing with the six faces and one faces along the axis) is the ideal set when you have nothing but a pass line bet.
Even the best influencers, in my opinion, will have the best results in the long term by making only a single pass line bet and a single odds bet in order to avoid the case of hedging the odds bet with a come bet. This is controversial and it is boring not to employ any come bets. It matters more if you don't take odds (which is a legitimate way to approach DI in my opinion regardless of the Wizard's believe that it is important to take odds if you want the best chance at success) the hedging between one bet wanting a hardway set and one bet wanting an all-seven set is more of a problem without odds bets.
This is a GROSS OVERSIMPLIFICATION of much of the theories behind DI. But this is the most popular approach to the game.
I also want to add in that a lot of people like the 3V set. I have zero evidence that there is any merit at all in this set myself. I haven't done a ton of work, but that set does not like my throw at all, and I haven't heard any evidence supporting that this approach has merit. I am not saying it doesn't work, but you'd think that if it did work I would know SOMETHING about it by now. It could just be my problem, though. But FWIW, I would not mess with the 3V set. I also advise against ICE-TONG grip as I doubt that this is an effective grip myself.
done a ton of work, but that set does not like my throw at all, and I haven't heard any evidence supporting that this approach has merit. I am not saying it doesn't work, but you'd think that if it did work I would know SOMETHING about it by now.
I apologise, i had take a break i was laughing so hard.....
If it does not work for Ahigh... it cant be any good and the craps world should not use it.
You cant make this stuff up.
i love this stuff
done a ton of work, but that set does not like my throw at all, and I haven't heard any evidence supporting that this approach has merit. I am not saying it doesn't work, but you'd think that if it did work I would know SOMETHING about it by now.
I apologise, i had take a break i was laughing so hard.....
If it does not work for Ahigh... it cant be any good and the craps world should not use it.
You cant make this stuff up.
Oh, that reminds me, I don't think the WOV has seen your roll data you submitted to me.
You need to correct my data above. I have 185 rolls and a RSR (not srr) of 8.08.
Total rolls: 185
1) 74 20.00% - 16.67 = (+3.33)------------------------------------------------------------ 1
2) 29 7.84% - 16.67 = (-8.83)------------------------ 2
3) 60 16.22% - 16.67 = (-0.45)------------------------------------------------- 3
4) 54 14.59% - 16.67 = (-2.07)-------------------------------------------- 4
5) 72 19.46% - 16.67 = (+2.79)----------------------------------------------------------- 5
6) 81 21.89% - 16.67 = (+5.23)------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
X**2: 28.56 p: 0.00003
fw 74,29,60,54,72,81 74,29,60,54,72,81
11: --------- 2 (9)
12: ---- 3 (4)
21: -- 3 (2)
13: --------- 4 (9)
22: ---- 4 (4)
31: ------------ 4 (12)
14: ---------- 5 (10)
23: - 5 (1)
32: -- 5 (2)
41: 5 (0)
15: ---- 6 (4)
24: - 6 (1)
33: 6 (0)
42: - 6 (1)
51: ---- 6 (4)
16: ------- 7 (7)
25: - 7 (1)
34: ----- 7 (5)
43: --- 7 (3)
52: - 7 (1)
61: ---- 7 (4)
26: ---- 8 (4)
35: --------- 8 (9)
44: 8 (0)
53: -------- 8 (8)
62: ---- 8 (4)
36: ---- 9 (4)
45: ------ 9 (6)
54: --------- 9 (9)
63: ------- 9 (7)
46: ----------- 10 (11)
55: ------ 10 (6)
64: -------- 10 (8)
56: ---------- 11 (10)
65: -------- 11 (8)
66: ------- 12 (7)
X**2: 82.57 p: 0.00001
Killing -5140
2) 9 4.86% - 2.78% = 2.09% (+3.86)--------------- 2
3) 6 3.24% - 5.56% = -2.31% (-4.28)---------- 3
4) 25 13.51% - 8.33% = 5.18% (+9.58)----------------------------------------- 4
5) 13 7.03% - 11.11% = -4.08% (-7.56)---------------------- 5
6) 10 5.41% - 13.89% = -8.48% (-15.69)----------------- 6
7) 21 11.35% - 16.67% = -5.32% (-9.83)----------------------------------- 7
8) 25 13.51% - 13.89% = -0.38% (-0.69)----------------------------------------- 8
9) 26 14.05% - 11.11% = 2.94% (+5.44)------------------------------------------- 9
10) 25 13.51% - 8.33% = 5.18% (+9.58)-----------------------------------------10
11) 18 9.73% - 5.56% = 4.17% (+7.72)------------------------------11
12) 7 3.78% - 2.78% = 1.01% (+1.86)------------12
X**2: 40.03 p: 0.00002
4:7 ratio is 119.048% - 50.000% = +69.048% (+138.10% diff)
5:7 ratio is 61.905% - 66.667% = -4.762% (-7.14% diff)
6:7 ratio is 47.619% - 83.333% = -35.714% (-42.86% diff)
8:7 ratio is 119.048% - 83.333% = +35.714% (+42.86% diff)
9:7 ratio is 123.810% - 66.667% = +57.143% (+85.71% diff)
10:7 ratio is 119.048% - 50.000% = +69.048% (+138.10% diff)
X**2: 30.12 p: 0.00004
Observed: 21.0 sevens - 164.0 non sevens RSR 8.8095
Expected: 30.8 sevens - 154.2 non sevens RSR 6.0000
X**2: 3.76 p: 0.05239
Seven outs 19 (90.48%) - Seven winners 2 (9.52%)
Pairs 26 14.05% - 16.67% = -2.61% (-4.83 rolls)
Hards 10 5.41% - 11.11% = -5.71% (-10.56 rolls)
HiLos 16 8.65% - 5.56% = 3.09% (+5.72 rolls)
H2 9/0 ( 4.86% - 2.78% = +3.86)
H4 4/1 ( 2.16% - 2.78% = -1.14)
H6 0/0 ( 0.00% - 2.78% = -5.14)
H8 0/0 ( 0.00% - 2.78% = -5.14)
H10 6/1 ( 3.24% - 2.78% = +0.86)
H12 7/1 ( 3.78% - 2.78% = +1.86)
EZ: 159 (85.95% - 83.33% = +4.83)
X**2: 14.40 p: 0.02546
Check out those p-values.
Dicesetter is the most accomplished shooter ever. Either that or he types in numbers about as accurately as he spells.