Is There Gambling In Wyoming
Some people gamble for fun and enjoyment. Just want to talk to someone about your – or someone else’s – gambling, there’s lots of support available.

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While it is true that problem gambling has many negative impacts, it can also meet our own needs. (For example, it may help people to feel good about themselves, or it may help them to forget about their troubles.) Therefore, it is not easy for most gamblers to simply stop or cut down their gambling, despite the knowledge that this is the necessary step they must take to resolve their problems.If you have a concern about your gambling and want to stay away from it for a while, here are some “tried and true” things you can do to take back control of the situation:
Limit Your Access to Money
This may not sound very appealing – most people like to be able to get their money whenever they want it. However, if the money is readily available, it’s tempting to use it to gamble. That’s why it’s so important to limit access to money. The more steps you take to block your access to money, the more success you’ll have in interrupting your gambling. Try starting with the tightest restrictions that you can tolerate, then ease up as you become more confident that you can control the urges to gamble.
Ideas to limit access to gambling:
- Voluntarily give financial control to someone else.
- Get rid of bank cards and credit cards, or at least cancel cash advance privileges.
- Carry only small amounts of money. Ask yourself how much money you actually need in a day.
- Change banking arrangements. (For example: require two signatures for all withdrawals; move money from joint accounts to a significant other’s account, etc.)
- Cancel any credit lines.
- Be accountable for money spent. (For example, arrange to show your receipts to someone.)
- Pay bills by phone or direct payment.
Avoid Gambling Opportunities
Avoiding gambling opportunities is important for those who are trying to get their gambling situation under control. For most people, it takes hard work just to deal with the urges to gamble, but when an opportunity to gamble presents itself, their temptation to gamble often overcomes their will power to stay away.
For people whose gambling has been the center of their social outings with family or friends, it may be necessary to suggest other activities, such as attending a movie or dining out.
It’s also a good idea to let others know about the decision to quit gambling, and ask friends and family to stop suggesting gambling as an activity to do together. This tactic is often taken by people with other problem behaviours, such as smoking. When a smoker declares the decision to stop smoking, that declaration reflects the individual’s knowledge about smoking and the desire to make a healthy change. Similarly, by announcing the decision to quit gambling, the individual is revealing the knowledge that, without the myths and psychology, gambling is nothing more than a game of chance. There is nothing wrong with making a decision not to play, and friends and family need to respect that.
Ban Yourself From the Casinos
For people who have done most of their gambling in the casinos, another effective method of avoiding gambling opportunities is to fill out the Voluntary Exclusion Form, which is available at most casinos. Once someone completes the form, he or she is banned from the casinos for a period of time. By staying away from gambling, the urges to gamble would eventually lessen and the individual would find other activities enjoyable again.
Deal With Your “High Risk” Times
While easy access to money (as mentioned previously) can cause the urge to gamble, a person’s “high risk” times may also be a temptation. If you have been gambling for a while, you may notice a pattern in your gambling activities. These patterns are your “high risk” times. Look for them in your gambling by asking yourself these questions:
Is there a certain time of the day or week, such as payday or weekends, that you usually spend gambling?
Where, when and who you gamble with?
Is your urge to gamble triggered by having free time, experiencing stress or feeling isolated from others?
Once you know what your high risk times are, you can make plans to deal with them.
Having a plan for dealing with your gambling temptations can help you resist them. Here are some suggestions:
- Schedule and take part in activities with others during times when you usually gamble.
- Be accountable to someone during your free time (phone your spouse as you are leaving work, agree to meet someone over lunch, etc.).
- Recognize your feelings (tired, bored, depressed, frustrated, lucky, etc.) and explore another way to deal with them. There are countless things a person can do to deal with these feelings without risking your wellbeing with problem gambling.
- Limit your use of alcohol or other substances – lowered inhibitions can lead to increased risk-taking, including gambling.
Replace Gambling With Healthy Activities

As mentioned earlier, gambling usually serves some function in a person’s life. Some people gamble for excitement, while others gamble to escape from stress, depression or boredom. You’ll probably find that it’s easier to stay away from gambling if you can get involved in more healthy activities.
At first it might not be easy to remember how you filled your time in the past. Often, as people become more and more involved in gambling, they abandon the hobbies and activities that brought them pleasure in the past. Reconnecting with the activities that you used to enjoy may take some effort, but you’ll probably find it rewarding. As well, taking part in these activities may help you stay away from gambling.
Making a list of activities that you can do in your spare time is a good way to ensure that you’ll have options if you get an urge to gamble. You will likely have more success at resisting your urges if you can do something else that you enjoy.
Be careful, though, that you don’t replace gambling with another addictive or unhealthy habit.
In Conclusion…
All of the suggestions in this section can be tried at any time or in any order, but it is important to keep these things in mind:
- Be prepared to put as much effort into carrying out these suggestions as you were putting into gambling.
- Don’t feel discouraged if you are not successful right away. Making changes in your gambling is a process; mistakes and setbacks are expected.
- As long as you keep doing the right things, you will have a better control of your gambling situation.
- Ask for help – people can’t help if they don’t know what you’re struggling with.

Is There Legal Gambling In Wyoming
The Advice MallardThe meme category gives players some advice on responsible gambling. So, giving players laughs and advice to make sure that no one gets lost in the betting high. It is fair to say that these memes aren’t really funny but does set the tone to be responsible when heading over to an online casino to try your luck. For example, the caption “Gamble only with money. You can afford to lose” is accompanied by a man pointing in your direction offering advice. But at casino sites, things can’t really be taken lightly as these types of ventures mean serious business. We haven’t really witnessed an online casino participating in meme activities and this is within good reason. They have to operate according to a strict set of standards granted by licensing bodies and authorities.
A Dollar Won
In some cases, just the excitement of winning is enough. Even though the player lost a lot of money, winning just a bit is more than enough. The caption “Gambling: Lost $1.5k, but won $1” is always accompanied by an excited player in the background, never thinking about the loss, only the win.
For Mature Folk
The next meme speaks about how the older individuals have recently discovered they can now play the games they love from the comfort of their homes. Bingo has long been a favorite of those from the older generation and moving the game online has made so many people happier. The meme is usually accompanied by an image of an excited elderly person in front of a computer screen, one such example comes with the caption “Life-Changing Discovery: I Can Play Bingo Online??”.
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Gambling in Africa
This one is a play on words, with the caption “Why is there no gambling in Africa? Too many Cheetahs”. This one really gets everyone laughing, implying that there are too many ‘cheaters’ in Africa for gambling to exist. Even though there is gambling in Africa, it still gets you right in the funny bone, accompanied by a thoughtful animal or person in the image.

Can You Gamble In Wyoming
Is There Gambling In Wyoming
The Poker Dog
Here we have a dog playing poker, wearing a polo shirt and a serious expression. It comes with the caption “The game’s not over yet, you still have a shirt”. This one implies that the stakes are high and the opposing player wants to clean you out and even take the clothes off your back. There are also some poker chips flying around in the background implying that you will have to be all in to get out of the game.
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Meme culture has found a way to be a way of communicating, without having to speak or even type any words to those who are in on the culture. Which makes for an entertaining experience that will have you thinking and laughing all the way to your favorite casino.